DJ (Debby Joy) Wolfinsohn writes poetry and fiction. After attending New York University's Tisch School of the Arts (for film) and the Gallatin School (for writing), DJ moved to Austin, Texas, where she worked as the arts reporter for Austin's daily newspaper and Entertainment Weekly.

During her time in New York, she was a member of the Riot Grrrl collective (NYC). Surrounded by creative women (including the artist Sadie Benning & the singer Kathleen Hanna) DJ was inspired to create a ‘zine. Initially composed as a "reply" to a misogynistic rant printed in Flipside (L.A. punk fanzine) DJ went on to publish and distribute five issues. Satan Wears a Bra was cited in many media outlets (Time, Newsweek, Spin) as an essential part of the Riot Grrrl movement. Copies are now in the permanent collection at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame as well as in many university archives, including the Fales Collection at New York University, DePaul University and Duke University.

Along with her brother, director Ben Wolfinsohn, she co-created the sitcom ‘Gigantic' and edited the documentary 'Friends Forever' (IFC channel) and edited the film 'High School Record'. As a team, they worked to develop programs for MTV and Teen Nick, completing a variety of creative projects, including animated shorts, series and indie features.

DJ currently lives and writes in a 1970's ranchette in Austin with rescue animals, rescue plants, too much yarn, and her excellent family.

---->for updates, check twitter @debbywolfinsohn